A Content Marketing Wild Card: The Story Behind “The Perfect Grilled Cheese”

Most of our design and content efforts for Ethos3 revolve around the core function of our business: to create beautiful presentations and train better presenters. If you browse around our blog or SlideShare, you’ll see this same informative philosophy reflected in the different presentations, infographics, and written content we create.

A key aspect of content marketing is to be the helpful resource that your clients are already searching for. As you probably know, this means becoming an expert and regularly creating SEO-friendly content that prospective leads will search for online. Thus, you not only create customers, you create brand advocates who can use your services in a non-monetary way.

But sometimes it’s good to just stretch your creative skills because you can.

Check out one of our most fun projects that we used for content marketing. It’s not going to tell you how to become a better presenter, but it will show you how to make a delicious grilled cheese sandwich:

Why would you spend precious content marketing time to create something so far outside of your normal range? And how can you use this “wild card” advantage for your own team and subject matter? Here’s the rundown.

Know Your Team

What hidden talents, hobbies, and passions reside within your team that you could use to showcase? In this example, our designer had a passion for grilled cheese and an inspiration to create something photographic and fun as an infographic. You might have a team member who could teach others how to tie sailing knots, someone who has a passion for running, or even a home chef in your crowd. Content can come from everywhere, especially if the goal is not aimed to educate about your field, but rather, educate about something that is “fun.”

Is it ToFu Friendly?

If you feel like these efforts might be a waste of time, consider ToFu, or “Top of the Funnel” marketing. This is a marketing tactic that targets the broad base of your sales funnel, which aims to collect as many diverse leads as possible. Is someone searching for a gorgeous infographic about making a grilled cheese? They’ll find it on our site. While this may not mean that they are ready to buy a presentation, it still drives traffic and puts more eyes on our website. Even fun projects can be validated by ToFu.

Your goal with ToFu content should be to educate your audience on a specific question, need or pain point that they’re looking to address, but without a sales tie-in.” – Weidert Group, an inbound marketing agency.

Find the Right Spot

Once you’ve created your ToFu friendly piece of marketing fun, where can you use it and how should it be used? Content like our grilled cheese infographic is perfect for sites like Facebook that rank original images directly uploaded to the site much higher than links to blog posts. And you never know: if you upload the standalone wild card, you have a chance to go viral with each and every share. The less specific your content is to a particular audience, the greater chance it has to appeal to a huge group.

Want to learn more content marketing tactics using examples from the Ethos3 portfolio? Check out these related articles!

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