#015: The Multimedia Principles of Learning [Podcast]

Very few presenters take the time to learn how the human brain actually works in relation to visuals, text, photography, and learning in general. This podcast will gets to the core of how the human brain perceives and absorbs information in a presentation environment.

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In this episode, I discuss the 4 multimedia principles of learning:

1. The Principle of Continuity

2. The Principle of Coherence

3. The Principle of Signaling

4. The Principle of Segmenting

Episode Resources

Here are a few extra resources:

The Principle of Continuity – Build Your Presentation Like a Children’s Book

The Principle of Segmenting – The Rule of Three for Presentations

Your Feedback Matters to Me

I would love to hear from you about the show! If you have a presentation topic you would like me to cover, you can connect with me via email.

In addition, if you enjoyed the podcast, I would appreciate it if you take a moment to rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. All comments are welcomed.

Thanks so much!

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