AI vs. Real Life: Why Human Contact is Important to Presentation Training

I recently read an article about how artificial intelligence, or AI, is affecting the presentation training space. The article touted the value of built-in AI features that could catch things like filler words and pacing problems. I will admit that at first, I wondered if this technology would hinder client engagement with our training services. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that a real-life human can never be replaced by a machine.

You see, presentation training is a detailed process, which is why we put together this post to reinforce why human contact is a vital part of presentation coaching.

Finite Details
Perhaps the most glaring reason that humans outpace AI is their ability to notice the finite details that are being communicated by a presenter. While a computer’s formula is sophisticated, it is not perfect, and having a real-life coach will allow you to separate yourself from good to great. Through simple coaching of the little things that a computer can’t grasp, a human can help you advance even further.

Relationship Development
As a presentation coach, one of the most important things for me to do is to get to know my client. By understanding what makes them tick as not just a presenter but also as a human, I am able to make educated decisions about what ticks and habits to change and what to leverage. This is why with each client, we take the time to get to know them as a person first and presenter second. We ask detailed questions that help us learn who they are and how they function, then develop a plan to elevate their presentation strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. While a computer can point out a few of these pieces, this kind of personal relationship is impossible to develop with AI.

Custom Content
A presentation coach is not just there to support your delivery but rather to help you create a knockout presentation from start to finish. While AI has the ability to make small tweaks and recommendations to your wording, it is not able to speak to your story arch or emotional pull. That is where human contact comes in. By watching you deliver your content, a presentation coach can suggest changes to flow, order, and engagement. They can make recommendations to add in polls, take out stories, or add emotional elements. This custom content is invaluable to any presenter looking to make a long-term impact on their audience.

We all know that the future of technology is AI, and the reality is that it’s moving to the presentation space. While it may be convenient and interesting to work in the AI atmosphere, we know that human connection is vital to a great training session, which is why we match every client with a presentation coach at Ethos3. We add that human connection that is impossible to replace with a computer.

So the next time you need some help, don’t settle for a computer – contact us, and meet your own personal coach today!

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