Why ‘Because’ Matters to Your Call to Action

If you have been part of a presentation before, you know the importance of having a clear call to action at the end of your message. This call to action invites your audience to further participate with you and engage in your content after presentation day.

But what if we told you simply having a call to action is not enough? In fact, at Ethos3, we believe that without the word because, your call to action will be weak and yield lackluster results.

A Harvard study revealed that a call to action without an explanation yielded a low 60% engagement rate. However, by adding in the word because and giving an explanation for that call to action, the engagement rate ballooned to 94%. That number is pretty impressive, if you ask me.

That’s why it’s vital that with every call to you action you include an explanation. Help your audience connect the dots and experience a compelling reason to continue their connection to you.

We’ve put together a few key ideas to creating a compelling explanation for your next call to action.

Know your why.

In his book Start With Why, author Simon Sinek highlights the importance of understanding the reason that drives your content and passion. By understanding your why at the beginning, you are far more equipped to give a compelling explanation of every call to action. Your why should be the driving force behind everything you share, and it is vital that you understand it.

In fact, a recent study found that companies that were able to position themselves around their why saw a significant growth in sales over a 4-year span.

Connect to the greater good.

With millennials making up nearly 46% of our current professional climate, it is vital that every call to action connects somehow into making a lasting change on the greater good. No matter your age, we all have a desire to feel like we are making a difference, and the explanation of our call to action should make your audience feel that same response. This is your opportunity to connect the dots and drive your audience towards engagement rather than separation.

Keep it short.

Your call to action is a quick, often single-line statement that drives your audience to take a next step. The risk of an explanation is that you could become wordy or over expressive. This can cause your presentation to get bogged down right at the moment when it should be wrapping up with a bang. When creating your explanation, keep it to one or two lines maximum. By keeping this explanation simple, you ensure that your audience stays connected while feeling compelled to take action.

A killer call to action can be the key to any audience engaging with you long term. But it is not just the initial call that will seal the deal. With a simple explanation, you’ll not only wow your audience, but you’ll also experience a 34% jump in engagement. We’d say that’s worth it!

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