Storytelling Techniques for the Busy Business Professional

If you run your own business or are climbing the corporate ladder, you may feel too bogged down to focus on storytelling techniques for your presentation. Research shows that storytelling helps improve the reception of your presentation by your audience; if you are leaving stories out then your presentation’s impact is weakened. Luckily, there are simple methods you can use to incorporate an interesting, compelling and unique story without heavy research and extra time. Put these storytelling techniques to the test with your next presentation to intrigue your audience.

Storytelling Techniques for the Busy Business Professional

The Origin Story

This is a simple solution to find a story. Every company has an origin story, and you can use this to make a personal connection to your audience. If you started your own business, then you know this nitty gritty details of this story already. If you work for a company, the origin story is not hard to find from the website or word of mouth. But you can even frame it around how you began working for the company and how it has changed your life. Either way, the beginnings of any journey are inspiring and related because we all have to start somewhere.

Example: The year was 2000. I was in my early 20s and just getting out of college. I had worked for two companies in dead ends jobs and couldn’t go to sleep at night because I had an idea. I knew that if I took at risk and opened my own sales office, I could out sell my former employers by a landslide. In August of 2000, I did it. And since then, we have become the number one sales team in the district. All it took was a leap of faith to reach my dream.

The Hero’s Journey

This is a popular storytelling technique used in many presentations. You center the story around a hero. This could be a client, a coworker, a mentor or even you. Create tension by not revealing who this person is as the tackle on the many hurdles the life puts in their way. Just when you think there’s no way out for our hero, set up the climax with a life changing event. Then, finally tell your audience who this hero is and where they are today. Your audience knows life is full of struggles that we must overcome. They will be rooting for the hero and can identify with the tumultuous journey.

Example: Two years ago, I met a woman in my office. She was a single mom who was working two full time jobs to make ends meet. She came to me for help with saving up money for her daughter to go to college. She feared she would not be able to save up enough to help her. With my investment plan, we took her saving account and tripled it over 10 years. That woman today is only working one job while her daughter is studying business at the community college. She is living proof that smart investments can change your life.

The Scenario

Present a world where your ideas exist. This story doesn’t need a character or specific details. All you need is a passionate world view that you want others to see. Set the scene with the problems you know people are experiencing, and your solutions. If you can convince your audience to share your belief in the scenario, then they will join your movement.

Example: Close your eyes and think about your dream destination. Is it the beach, or the mountains, or a big city? With this location in mind, think about what it would take to get there. It would probably cost a lot, require you to take time off work and coordinate plans with your family. What if there was a way to manage all of this from your smartphone? There is now. With my app, you can search any destination, calculate the costs, set a budget, and share your schedule with your family. The future of stress free travel is here.

Storytelling can improve the quality of your presentation and create an unforgettable message. If you want your ideas to spread, the best way is through a story. Your audience will walk away sharing your story rather than data and stats. So, give them something to talk about with these storytelling techniques.

More posts from the Ethos3 Blog:

The 5 Elements of Storytelling for Presentations

Storytelling Structure for the Business Plan Presentation

The Neuroscience of Storytelling for Presentations [Infographic]

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