The Presentation Personas Who Are the Best Negotiators

Journalists do it in editorial meetings when pitching their story ideas. Parents do it when attempting to feed their children leafy greens. Roommates and couples do it when dividing up the weekly household chores. We all negotiate. But, some of us win more often than others. The success rate of a negotiator depends on a variety of factors – chiefly, the ability to actively listen to all parties involved in a dispute or matter.

A mid-to-high score in 2 of the 4 Badge quadrants is critical to determining the negotiation prowess of presentation personas. If an individual excels in Exploration and Sharing, it’s a strong indicator that they are a master negotiator. Why? Because both of the quadrants measure skills important to the negotiation process.

Presentation personas who receive a higher score in Exploration are likely…




Badge assessment takers who score highly in Sharing are probably…




In instances like negotiations where people are forced to hold an opinion, stand their ground, take other perspectives into consideration, and conduct an open dialogue, it’s important to…

1) Have an expansive knowledge of the circumstances to fall back on during the course of conversation

2) Be a compelling and considerate advocate of your position when it is challenged

Take our proprietary Badge assessment and find out if you have presentation skills in negotiation.

The Presentation Personas Who Are the Best Negotiators


To walk out of a negotiation with a few wins under your belt, you have to first develop a complete understanding of the other party’s negotiating approach. You have to know how their core needs align or diverge with the value of your potential bargaining items. The initial phase of negotiation is where Demonstrators shine the most brightly. They list out audience pain points like destinations on a road map and set up their message by the route. Demonstrator presentation personas will retain positive relationships through any negotiation situation as a result of their connective and caring personality.


The Producer’s main objective is to convey a message so clearly that the audience won’t have any questions when the presentation is all said and done. This particular presentation persona has a laser-sharp focus on achieving clarity of speech, while also providing strong justification behind his or her’s claims and arguments. A negotiator who is able to choose desires and present them in a logical manner is a negotiator who is prepared to debate, but also humble enough to compromise.


Since an Educator harnesses the power of inspiration, the presentation persona will promote the benefit of their offer in a way the other party almost can’t refuse. Methods Educators might use to negotiate a deal might include:

Finding creative solutions to achieve both parties’ interests

Putting positions aside and centering the discussion around end goals

Drafting a variety of options for what they might deem acceptable negotiation results


With a bird’s eye view of the conflict, a Liberator can tell when it is time to leave the negotiation table. And despite an inability to reach an agreement, this presentation persona will remain in good spirits with the other side. How? Because a Liberator not only scores highly in Exploration and Sharing. A Liberator also ranks highly in Response and Durability – making the presentation persona a master of establishing trusting bonds with everyone involved in a dispute.

An expert negotiator is capable of assessing all viewpoints, constructing mutually beneficial alternatives, and planning for a multitude of situations and variables. Would you be an effective negotiator based off of our presentation assessment? Find out now!

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