7 Blogs to Follow for Presentation Content Inspiration

Every once in a while, I get stuck on in a content dilemma. Sometimes it’s the storytelling process that isn’t coming together. Sometimes I struggle with coming to a strong conclusion. Not matter what the struggle is, I have a few blogs that I follow for presentation content inspiration.

The Content Standard by Skyword

I discovered this blog through my Google Alerts. The Content Standard is broken into three categories: creativity, marketing and storytelling. This is a great resource for presentations because it is filled with strategies and tips for how to create compelling content.

The Creativity Post

If you are looking the latest research on psychology, new technology trends, or a small dose of motivation, The Creativity Post has it all. This is an alternative resource to finding that piece of information you need to round out your presentation research. They have a variety of topics to help you find the content you need.

Custom Show

If you are looking for a more sales focused blog, this one will hit the spot. I have seen blogs on Custom Show that focus on presentations prep and crafting pitches. This is a good resource for a sales person who needs some additional resources for their next presentation.


This is a good one for the marketing professional. iPullRank has blogs ranging from topics on website design to viral content. I have found a few posts about storytelling that could help with your presentation content structure.

The Moz Blog

This blog is more focused on marketing strategies, but I do find helpful posts regarding content from time to time. If you plan on sharing your presentation online, this is a good resource for following the latest marketing trends and how to get the most response out of online marketing.

Start With Why

This blog is run by one of our favorite presenters Simon Sinek. Based on his book, Sinek writes posts centered around careers, personality traits, politics and more. If you are in need of an inspirational read before you begin writing for your presentation, I recommend starting with Start With Why.

Wait But Why

This quirky website publishes articles once a month that range from psychology to technology. Along with their in-depth and detailed research, they have humorous stick figure comics to go with it. If you want a different perspective on tech innovation or why humans act they way they do, check out Wait But Why.

And, of course, the Ethos3 blog is filled with the latest presentation news, tips, videos, podcasts and more. We update our blog daily with inspirational and interesting content that will answer every question you may have when it comes to presentation content. This is your one-stop shop for all your presentation inquiries.

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