The 5 Things Holding You Back From Being a Great Presenter

We all have an idea in our head of how we envision our presentation playing out, yet sometimes we find ourselves falling short of our expectation. This is bound to happen more than once in a presenter’s career, but how can we address the obstacle in the way of our vision? Here’s what may be holding you back.

The 5 Things Holding You Back From Being a Great Presenter


This is the most obvious, yet the biggest Achilles’ heel for every presenter. The more you begin to second guess yourself, the more likely you will lose the enthusiasm and confidence you need to deliver a stellar presentation. Instead of falling into the clutches of doubt, remind yourself that you are the expert of your topic. You have already the knowledge committed to heart, now embrace the opportunity you have been given to introduce it to the world.


With smart phones, apps, and the internet in general, it’s easy to get lost in the distractions instead of focusing on the task at hand. In fact, 20% of people admit to looking for distractions to avoid difficult tasks. Don’t tell yourself you will get started on your presentation in the next 10 minutes or next hour, start it now! There is no better time than the present.


If you are thinking about “winging it” on your presentation and skip over refining your content, pushing your design, and practicing your delivery, think again. Putting into lots of practice will pay off in the end. Become so comfortable with your content that you could say your presentation in your sleep. This doesn’t mean memorization, this means having a deep understanding of what your presentation is about and what your main takeaways are for your audience.


It’s good to look at experienced presenter’s work and steal qualities from them that you need as a presenter. But it’s bad to start comparing yourself to someone that you just are not. Each presenter has a unique personality, and there’s no need to drastically change yours to be a better presenter. Work with what you have, because you are enough. By tapping into your strengths and weaknesses, you can improve yourself to be just like the other presenters your look up to.


speech as he wipes sweat off of his brow

An estimated 75% of people say they have a fear of public speaking. Now that you see you are not alone, turn that fear into energy. Fear can be debilitating but it can also be energized depending on how you decide to channel it. Fear and anxiety are highly emotional, and displaying emotion during your presentation will actually make you a better presenter. So take some deep breathes, get in lots of practice, and don’t let a common fear hold you back.

Read More: Fight Your Fear of Public Speaking – 4 Proven Methods

Take that vision of a brilliant presentation delivery and turn it into a reality! Jump over these hurdles and race through the finish line strong. The presentation experts at Ethos3 are here cheering you one. We offer presentation design and training so that you can become a great presenter.

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