5 Apps That Can Make You a Better Presenter

Who knew that the humble smart phone could be used to make you a better presenter? One minute you’re a regular, nervous speaker…and the next? You’re practically Abraham Lincoln. Here are a few of our favorite apps that can help you out before and during your next big event:

5 Apps That Can Make You a Better Presenter1. Azumio for iPhone – Experiencing stage fright? Azumio uses your iPhone to check your heart rate and let you know exactly how nervous you may be. Use this to your advantage by practicing some breathing exercises or other anxiety busters until your heart rate decreases.

2. Metronome for iPhone and Android – Do you tend to speed through your speech, or perhaps crawl through it at a snail’s pace? Use a metronome app while you practice to make sure you’re hitting the mark. That comforting tick can help ensure you hitting the perfect stride.

3. SpeakerClock for iPhone – This timer boasts that you can see the countdown from a massive distance away, giving you some flexibility to walk around the stage. It also emulates the style of timer TED speakers use…which will probably just give you a sense of importance.

4. Presentation Timer Pro for Android –  This app offers a massive, screen-filling countdown timer, and can also prevent your phone from ringing during a presentation. In the event that your talk lasts longer than it should, this app also controls screen brightness to conserve battery life.

Prompster for iPhone and Android – With Prompster, you can write your speech notes and have them scroll like a teleprompter at various speeds during your presentation. It also supports audio and video recording for review, as well as several text editing features like highlighting.

Bonus Round: Even though they aren’t exclusive to public speaking, note-taking apps like Evernote for iPhone and Android, as well as Wunderlist for iPhone and Android can also help keep your speaking notes organized.

Don’t hide your smartphone in shame during your next speaking event: use it to your advantage with these great (and inexpensive!) apps.

Question: Are you currently using apps to enhance your presentation delivery?

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