The Presenter’s Manifesto: Part 1

Each Wednesday our blog post is dedicated to storytelling. Stories are part of our DNA here at Ethos3. We’re adamant believers that presentations are stronger and more compelling if anchored in a story. And the evidence is clear: we’re storytelling animals. We tell ourselves stories in order to live. For the next 4 weeks, we’ll be posting excerpts of our story– the presenter’s story– from our Manifesto for Presenters. Download your copy of the e-book here


We are the movers and we are the shakers. We are the narrators and we are the storytellers. We are the writers and we are the designers. We are the editors and we are the organizers.

We are presenters.

We know, we remember, we acknowledge, we believe: presentations can change the world. With a well-balanced focus on content, delivery, design and storytelling, a presentation can change the world: we champion, we assert, we defend, we insist.

Something like 30 million presentations are given every day. Most are riddled with bullet points, Clipart, paragraphs of text and bogged down in some cumbersome organization. Death by PowerPoint.

We believe in the importance of a story, of a theme, of a streamlined design, of a clear organization.

We believe in the power of the presentation.

For what is life without a commitment to greatness? What is life but a constant strive for relevance? What is life without imagination? Without storytelling? Without fantasy and fable and figments and fancies? How else would we frame our meanings? Our beliefs? Our values? Our significance?

Left-brain stalwarts– numbers, facts, quotes, data– are certainties that build our foundations and shape our existence, but they are uncomplicated and unaffected. They are essential, but they are rational and emotionless.

We must shape those callous facts into something that lend our lives character and distinction. We must transform them into something that fills our hearts and inspires our minds. Data and facts and statistics are essential, yes, but they alone are not what compel people to act. We must provide meaning; we must supply context around these facts.

We are presenters.

We perform. We pitch. We persuade. We proclaim.

We believe in the power of the presentation. 


Click here to download the entire Presenter’s Manifesto. 

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