Delivery Lessons from Jesse Jackson

Don’t cry about what you don’t have, use what you got.” – Jesse Jackson

If you have seven minutes, you have time to be inspired by one of the most powerful speeches ever delivered by Jesse Jackson during his 1984 run for President; the legendary “David and Goliath” speech:

This speech needs no analysis to convey the strength of Jackson’s words; it will give you chills for the entire length of it regardless. However, we’ve pulled apart the best elements of the “David and Goliath” speech to show how Jesse Jackson accomplishes this mighty feat of message and delivery.


At no point does Jackson slow, quiet, or tone down his roaring voice. If all presenters and speakers utilized the same energy, speeches would be half as long and audiences would be twice as focused.


Jackson’s hand gestures are precise and minimal. He uses them to add emphasis to punctuations in his speech, which comes across as a man in complete control of what he is saying. In short, we believe this is a result of hard practice and deliberate attention to detail.


Using emotion doesn’t always mean that a presenter needs to show vulnerability; this “David and Goliath” speech is a perfect example of a man who is moved by what he says, but more importantly, means what he says.


From the rally cry of “you’ve got a choice” to “that’s foreign policy,” repetition gives this speech power, poignancy, and makes every key point loud and clear.


The core of Jackson’s speech is of course the story of David and Goliath, which is cleverly adapted to explain Reagan’s election and give listeners an idea of their own ability. The metaphor of “rocks, just laying around,” which represents unused votes is a perfect comparison for the untapped power of voters.

When you hear Jesse Jackson’s speech, there is no room to misunderstand his message. His words are booming, emotive, and rousing. It is our hope that other presenters, no matter their message, are inspired by his energy and skill.

Question: What inspires you about the “David and Goliath” speech?

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