How to Have Executive Presence

“Fake it till you make it” is the light-hearted untruth we hear over and over again from those who would lead you to believe that they faked it until they made it. People who become successful tend to have this brand of self-deprecating memory: whether it was being in the right place at the right time, plain lucky, or “God has a funny sense of humor”, it’s apparently a sub-genre of rags to riches lore that the individual in question is just like anyone else.

In reality, this “fake it till you make it genre” is only half of the story. It’s true that people do the things successful people do long before they have the results to show they were on the right track, but it’s false to think they were ever faking it. The reality is that the harbinger of success—executive presence is what we call it—is there whether the individual has material results or not. There’s no faking it; only the presence of qualities and characteristics that will generate results no matter the circumstances. Success is a principle thing: people who become successful adhere to the principles of success in some way or form.

So what are those principles, and what are the characteristics of executive presence? We’re referencing those of our clients who truly exemplify that unique brand of determination, confidence and vision for this list:

1. Vision meets practicality: These people push the limits of what has been thought of before and what is considered possible, but they also see the pragmatic steps necessary to make vision reality.

2. Preparation: You’ll never find these individuals unprepared. That’s partly because they’re organized, dedicated to excellence, and constant learners. But it’s also because they’re usually one with themselves. They don’t have “work” and “home” lives; both are intertwined and balanced, and each feeds the other. In other words, just living life is preparation for these people because they live and work in support of their true long term goals.

3. Equilibrium: They’re unflappable, or seemingly so. They don’t bridle under criticism or questioning, and they don’t bristle when people don’t cooperate. Their internal strength comes from the accountability they take for their lives. When they face problems, they see those problems as either situations they’re responsible for creating or situations they can fix.

None of these characteristics are reserved for the gray-headed, and none of them are God-given. They’re attitudes and beliefs that become character traits. Any one of us can adopt these characteristics for ourselves, and applying them on a daily basis requires minimal effort: we simply pay attention to our actions and ask whether the behavior was in line with the principles of success.

Executive presence is an inside-out thing. If you want to command that kind of respect, you have to start with yourself. If you’re truly a visionary, this is the kind of presence you want.

The question is: are you willing to develop your executive presence daily?

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